A shocking incident has come to light in Tamil Nadu's Kallakurichi district where 29 people died overnight on Wednesday. It is estimated that these 29 people died due to drinking poisonous liquor. S. Prashant has expressed. Apart from this, more than 70 people in the district have been admitted to hospitals for treatment. In addition, 15 people in Puducherry have also been admitted to hospitals after they started feeling unwell after drinking poisonous liquor. Some of those undergoing treatment are in critical condition. Therefore, the death toll is expected to rise further.
What exactly happened?
A large number of patients from Kallakurichi district of Tamil Nadu entered the Kallakurichi hospital on Wednesday night for vomiting and other complaints. Apart from this, similar patients were admitted to hospitals in Villupuram, Salem and Puducherry. When these patients were examined, it was predicted by the hospital and the administration that they had this problem due to the fact that they drank poisonous alcohol. District Collector of Kallakuri M. S. Prashant gave this information to the media.