What is a cloud instance?
How to create a cloud instance and how to access it for free
- Open internet browser & type www.github.com
- Register with a new account.
- Click on Home > New Button. It will create new repository. Now enter name & click on "Create Repository."
- Now Click on "creating a new file", in quick setup tab.
- It will ask a name for the main file. Give a name. & paste below code in the next texbox .
- Click on "Commit Changes". A new popup will apear, Click on "Commit Changes" Again.
- Next, in the menu in the upper side click on Action then " set up a workflow yourself ".
- Paste below Code & click on "Commit Canges".
- Next goto Settings in the main menu. Click on " Action" under "Secrets & Variable" below in the left pane.
- A new page will apear, Click on "New repository secret".
- Here you will find two textbox to fill, Name & Sectet.
- Fill the name with Exactly given below:
- Now for the second part "Secret*", we need another site to continue.Open a new tab in browser & type www.ngrok.com & signin with Github ID.
- it will open welcome page of ngrok. Here you find all the supported agents (Operating System ), SDKs & Infrastructure will be displayed. Select " Windows" from the list & scroll below. You will find the Connect Section, copy the text right portion under the tag "Configuration File" as given in below image & Paste the text in to the textbox named "Secret" in the previouse tab of Github Page.
- Now Click on "Action" in the main menu again. Next click on "Create main.yml" under "All workflows"
- Click on "Re-run Jobs" then select "Re-run failed Jobs". A confirmation popup window will apear , need to Confirm by clicking "Re-run Job" Button.
- Now goto the ngrok site & Click on "End Point" under "Cloud Edge" Section in the leftpane.
- It will show all the active URL. If not then refresh the page & repeat the same. Now it will show the URL. now click on the URL, new window will apear , copy right portion excluding "tcp://" text in the heading or URL.
- Minimize all window. open Remote Desktop Connection from start menu & paste the copied text, Click "Connct".
- It will ask for ID & Password. use as given below:
- Name: runneradmin
- Pass: P@ssw0rd!
- Good to go now, after take a moment & it will start a widows server with fast internet service ready to use.
- Things to keep in mind:
- Thought it is completely free of cost but the server link will active for limited time upto 6 hours max. Need to repeat the same process again to make it active & all data will lost after expiry of the link.
- A command prompt will popup in the startup. Keep this window active & leave it minimize. Else the link will be deactivated.
Performance of the RDP:
name: Cl on: [push, workflow_dispatch] jobs: build: runs-on: windows-latest steps: - name: Download run: Invoke-WebRequest https://bin.equinox.io/c/bNyj1mQVY4c/ngrok-v3-stable-windows-amd64.zip -OutFile ngrok.zip - name: Extract run: Expand-Archive ngrok.zip - name: Auth run: .\ngrok\ngrok.exe authtoken $Env:NGROK_AUTH_TOKEN env: NGROK_AUTH_TOKEN: ${{ secrets.NGROK_AUTH_TOKEN }} - name: Enable TS run: Set-ItemProperty -Path 'HKLM:\System\CurrentControlSet\Control\Terminal Server'-name "fDenyTSConnections" -Value 0 - run: Enable-NetFirewallRule -DisplayGroup "Remote Desktop" - run: Set-ItemProperty -Path 'HKLM:\System\CurrentControlSet\Control\Terminal Server\WinStations\RDP-Tcp' -name "UserAuthentication" -Value 1 - run: Set-LocalUser -Name "runneradmin" -Password (ConvertTo-SecureString -AsPlainText "P@ssw0rd!" -Force) - name: Create Tunnel run: .\ngrok\ngrok.exe tcp 3389